Cancellation of remaining examinations(取消所有餘下的考試)


In view of the latest situation of the epidemic and the announcements of the Education Bureau, examinations (13-18 July) are arranged as follows:

(1) The remaining examinations of S.1-2 are cancelled and summer holiday begins earlier from 13 July (Monday).

(2) The remaining examinations of S.3-5 are cancelled and summer holiday begins earlier from 14 July (Tuesday).
中三至中五級取消餘下的考試,由7月14 日(星期二)開始提早放暑假。

(3) The arrangements of assessments and other matters will be announced later via Parent App.
有關成績評估及其他事宜將稍後透過Parent App通知家長及學生。

(4) The campus remains open to look after students who have to come back to school. The campus opens from Monday to Friday (9:00am-4:00pm) and closes on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays.
校舍會保持開放以照顧有需要回校的同學,開放時間為星期 一至五,每日由早上9:00至下午4:00,公眾假期及星期六、日不開放。

We will renew the contingency arrangements regularly. Parents should check the school news and e-circulars delivered through the Parent App. For enquiries, please contact the school office 24750331 during the office hour (9:00am-4:00pm).
學校會定時更新應變措施,請家長留意Parent App內的信息及通告。若有任何疑問,可於辦公時間 (9:00am-4:00pm) 致電校務處24750331查詢。

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