Staff Development


The Staff Development Committee, established in 1998, aims at promoting teacher’s professionaism and to establishing a harmonious working environment in school.

In practice, the committee runs Staff Development Days, launches mentorship schemes, organises Open Lessons, maintains teachers’ CPD records, awards teachers on different grounds and carries out the appraisal exercises. It is believed that teachers who are autonomous and dedicated will work more effectively in a harmonious and collaborative school.


  • To enhance teachers’ professional skills and knowledge in developing students’ ability in self-directed learning.
  • To equip teachers with the awareness and skills in instilling a positive attitude in students.
  • To provide support with teachers in the use of English as the medium of instruction.

Work of the committee

young people on 3d book pile

  • Running the Teacher Commendation Scheme in cooperation with the Student Union
  • Administering Mentorship schemes for both new and experienced teachers
  • Administering various Surveys
  • Maintaining teachers’ CPD records
  • Planning and running Staff Development Days
  • Organising Joint School Staff Development Activities
  • Managing peer lesson observation
  • Maintaining the Staff Common Room and Teacher Resource Centre
  • Collecting and disseminating professional development information
  • Running Elections for various teacher bodies
  • Carrying out staff appraisal exercises
    Publish Teacher Bulletin
  • Awarding certificates to teachers have not been late for school and have not taken any leave for the whole school year


It is the honour of the school in being one of the first 9 schools in Hong Kong awarded the Quality Assessment Management Accreditation (QAMA) by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA).

The QAMA Scheme was first launched by HKEAA in 2008/09. It aims at enhancing the standards of examination and assessment managment in schools. The scheme endorses the professionalism and commitment of schools with the capacity to provide quality examination and assessment management, and recognizes schools that excel in delivering high quality examinations and adopting good assessment practices. The scheme also helps to identify, promote and monitor examination and assessment management literacy and establishes benchmark so that schools can make continual improvement to achieve the desired level of quality management.

At the Award Presentation Ceremony on 18-10-2008, the school received the award from the Chairman of the HKEAA, Mr Irving Koo (顧爾言先生), and the Deputy Secretary for Education, Dr Catherine Chan (陳嘉琪博士). The principal, Mr Chan, was invited to share the school’s experience in adminitering the assessment policy with the guests.

Steps in obtaining QAMA
1. Submission of Application Form
  • Completes an application form
  • Prepares and collect relevant documents
  • Updates teachers’ CPD records
2. Assessment Process (by HKEAA)
  • Checks submitted documents
  • Pay visit to the school
  • Validates information
3. Accreditation
  • School awarded the accreditation at a ceremony

4. Review of school policy
  • Reviews assessment policy and makes necessary adjustments
  • Submits relevant documents to HKEAA
5. Annual Surveillance Visits (by HKEAA)
  • Conducts surveillance visits to schools (if necessary)
6. Renewal Accreditation (by HKEAA)
  • Reviews school’s policy and performance
  • Renews accreditation

Committee Members

staff members 2

  • Ms HS Leung
  • Mr HL Ho
  • Mr SK Lau
  • Mr TK Chan, the Principal
  • Ms SM Chan
  • Ms BY Kong
  • Ms SY Lam

CDP Information

1. CPD Records of our staff (average)
The school has been recording teachers’ CPD hours with reference to the framework proposed by the ACTEQ since 2004/05. Each teacher receives their own record at the end of each school year. It was emphasized that the record is used for self-evaluation and reflection.

It is noticed that teachers’ overall average of CPD hours has been declining since the first 3-year cycle, indicating that teachers start to understand the CPD mechanism and are becoming more selective in choosing courses and seminars. To provide teachers with more in-house professional development activities, the school has been organising functions like collaborative lesson planning, peer lesson observation, peer mentorship scheme, etc. so that they may learn from their peers.

School Year
Structured Mode (hours)
Other Mode (hours)
Total (hours)

Development Days

The Staff Development Days

Three staff development days are held every year to focus our staff’s attention on the major concerns of the school in the particular year. A wide range of activities, including seminars, workshops, visits, excursions, retreats, discussions and recreational activities, have been offered in recent years. Apart from our own school premises, we held our functions in neighbouring schools, the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Shatin, Ocean Park, Wetland Park, Queen Elizabeth Stadium and the Ark Garden. It is hoped that the variety in activities and venues would facilitate our teachers in adsorbing fresh and new concepts effectively among the voluminous workload in their daily teaching.

The Joint Staff Development Day

Apart from the 3 development days, a joint staff development day had been organised in August since 2005. Partner schools in this joint function include CCC Kei Long College, CCC Fong Yun Wah College, CCC Ho Fuk Tong College and SKH Bishop Baker Secondary School. It is a great chance for teachers in these schools to listen to the enlightening speeches delivered by renowned speakers who may otherewise have to present them on 5 separate occasions.

Since 2008, this joint function has been suspended to cater for individual needs of the partner schools. In view of the close vicinity of the schools, it is hoped that there will be more joint ventures in the near future.

Teacher Commendation

List of top ranked teachers

Every year, the Staff Development Committee holds a teacher commendation election in collaboratiobn with the Student Union. All students, and in some previous years, teachers are invited to vote for their favourite teachers. The primary objective of this election is to provide an opportunity for students to express their gratitude to their hardworking teachers.
The teacher who obtains the highest votes in the category will be nominated to attend the government’s teacher commendation ceremony held in September every year. In school, the top 3 teachers in each category will be presented with a prize during the morning assembly by the current President of the Student Union. This also symbolizes the expression of appreciation from the student body.

Furthermore, all teachers will receive the number of votes they obtain in the election by email. This serves as a kind of informal feedback to the teachers.

Different ways have been used to run the election. Some years ago voting was voluntary. Students had to go to the school hall, showed their student cards, obtained a ballot sheet, filled out the sheet and dropped it into a ballot box. In recent years, thanks to the advancement of IT, students are given a voting sheet to mark in their classrooms during the morning assembly. Their votes will then be counted by an MC reader and the results can be released on the same day.