Arrangements on Deferral of Class Resumption (延遲復課的相關安排)


In view of the latest situation of the epidemic, the Education Bureau announced all schools would further defer class resumption for two weeks, that is, schools would resume classes on 16 March the earliest, yet subject to further assessment. According to this announcement, our school has the following arrangements:


  1. During the deferral period of class resumption, the campus remains open to look after students who have to come back to school. The campus opens from Monday to Friday (9:00am-4:00pm) and closes on Saturday and Sunday.

    在延遲復課期間,校舍會保持開放以照顧有需要回校的同學,開放時間是星期 一至五,每日由早上9:00至下午4:00。星期六、星期日關閉。
  2. During the deferral period of class resumption, classrooms on the 1st floor are opened for self-study. Students are expected to stay at home to study. If students have to go to school, when entering into the campus, they should take body temperature checking, wear a mask and wash hands with liquid soaps to maintain good hygiene, personal and environmental health.

  3. Web-based learning will be further enhanced. Students should study the online learning materials in eClass and then do the assignments. Students should submit the assignments on time.

  4. During the deferral period of class resumption, all tutoring, extra classes and extra-curricular activities are cancelled.

  5. The scheduled fellowship activity of the Kei Yuen Church on 1 March (Sun) is cancelled.

    原定 3月1日(日) 的基元堂團契活動將會取消。
  6. If students come back to Hong Kong from the Mainland, they should strictly comply with the preventive measures implemented by the government.


    We will renew the contingency arrangements regularly. Parents should check the school news and e-circulars delivered through the Parent App. For enquiries, please contact the school office 24750331 during the office hour (9:00am-4:00pm).

    學校會定時更新應變措施,請家長留意Parent App內的信息及通告。若有任何疑問,可於辦公時間 (9:00am-4:00pm) 致電校務處24750331查詢。
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