
Starting from 2021, Kei Yuen College have introduced the MOOC Initiative in collaboration with HKU, SRL ERaC Reading Lab, Literature Out Loud, and Global Classroom to help students gain international 
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Student of the year – Visual Artist 2021-20222nd Runner upS.6 Lai Ting Ting, Joanne Student of the year – Visual Artist 2020-2021WinnerS.6 Fung Yan Lam
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「關愛兒童、快樂成長」親子填色比賽 (報名表格) *請列印於A3紙中*
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下載連結: 各位老師、校友及同學 💜❤️💙藉新春佳節來臨之際,本校中四級❤️及中五級💜視藝生特意為大家設計一系列WhatsApp 動畫貼圖及賀年卡,祈為笑納。 恭祝虎年身體健康、新年快樂。🌟中華基督教會基元中學 視藝生❤️💙💜🌟🌟Download 方法如下❤️i phone 手機 :1) Click 「Add to Phone 」📱2) 下載「五色學倉頡App」😀😀3) Click Save ➡️4) Stickers 便會儲存至WhatsApp圖庫中✔️Android 手機1)Click 「Add to Phone 」📱2) 下載「WhatSticker App」➡️3) Click Save 
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