
「關懷社區、以愛共聚」親子填色比賽(報名表格) *請列印至A4紙中
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Introduction to CCC Kei Yuen College Learning English is Fun 中一新生如何適應校園生活 Application Form for S.1 Discretionary Places中一自行分配學位申請表格 中一自行分配學位申請表格2021下載 Admission Interview Tips
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Results of Class Allocation 2020-2021
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Release of DSE Results發佈文憑試成績安排 In view of the continuing epidemic, in order to protect the health and safety of all the students, staff and the public, schools should suspend all 
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List of Textbooks 2020-2021
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In view of the latest situation of the epidemic and the announcements of the Education Bureau, examinations (13-18 July) are arranged as follows: (1) The remaining examinations of S.1-2 are 
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Attainment Test (14/7/2020) The Pre-S1 Attainment Test scheduled on 14/7 has been cancelled. Pre-S1 Enhancement Classes (28/7-31/7/2020) The Pre-S1 Enhancement Classes scheduled on 28/7-31/7 have been cancelled. S1 Bridging Course 
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The Education Bureau announced that schools in Hong Kong can resume classes in a gradual and orderly manner. According to this announcement, our school has the following arrangements: 教育局宣布全港學校將會分階段、有秩序地逐步復課。因應教育局的宣布,本校有以下安排: Classes 
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In view of the latest situation of the epidemic, the Education Bureau announced all schools would further defer class resumption for two weeks, that is, schools would resume classes on 
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