
各位家長、老師、校友及同學 💜❤️💙藉新春佳節來臨之際,本校中四級視藝生🤩🤩特意為大家設計一款精美的賀年卡,祈為笑納。 恭祝大家龍年身體健康、新年快樂。🌟中華基督教會基元中學 視藝生❤️💙💜上
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Christmas Music Contest 2021/2022 Rules and Regulations下載 Music contest Music contest EmceeEmcee
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報名日期: 2023年10月24日至11月3日 (座位有限 先報先得)
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Student of the year – Visual Artist 2021-20222nd Runner upS.6 Lai Ting Ting, Joanne Student of the year – Visual Artist 2020-2021WinnerS.6 Fung Yan Lam
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Whole School Resuming Whole-Day Face-to-Face ClassesAs the number of students having received one dose of COVID-19 vaccine for more than 14 days has reached 70%, whole-day face-to-face classes of all 
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有關 Creative Fun Day 所有工作坊名額已滿,並已向相關家長發出電郵通知,請各家長留意,感謝你們對本校活動的支持。
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Results of Class Allocation 2021-2022 Results of Class allocation 編班結果下載 Notice to Purchase of PE Uniforms 購買體育制服須知 下載
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