Release of DSE Results (發佈文憑試成績安排)


Release of DSE Results

In view of the continuing epidemic, in order to protect the health and safety of all the students, staff and the public, schools should suspend all on-campus activities for two weeks from 15 July (Wednesday) to 28 July (Tuesday). The 2020 DSE results are to be released via the web. Students need not go to school to collect the result slip. It is arranged as follows:
鑑於本港的疫情持續擴散,為進一步保障全體員生及公眾的健康及安全,學校須於7月15日(星期三) 至7月28 日(星期二)暫停所有校內活動兩星期,2020文憑試成績將以電子形式發佈,學生毋須回校領取成績通知單。安排如下:

  1. According to the announcement of the EDB, the results of DSE should be released via the web or other electronic means. At 9:00 a.m. on 22 July (Wednesday), students may login the following website to check the result slips of 2020 DSE.


  1. Support for S6 students is provided on the release day of DSE results. Ways of contact with S.6 form teachers, careers guidance teachers and school social workers are arranged as follows:
    a. For enquiry of careers guidance and JUPAS, email or call Careers guidance teachers by phone.
    b. For advice and counselling help, call school social workers by phone.
    c. For advice and counselling help, whatsapp or call form teachers by phone.
    a. 電郵/致電學校,向升學就業輔導組老師,查詢升學及JUPAS事宜。
    c. Whatsapp/致電班主任傾談。

  2. In view of the situation of the epidemic, most of the careers information will be released on the web. Some programmes can be applied via the web. Parents and students can browse the websites of the institutions or universities to search for relevant information.

  3. The Careers Guidance Team of our school will email relevant information to students regularly. If any enquiries, please contact form teachers and careers guidance teachers.

  4. The original copy of the DSE result slip will be delivered class by class later. If students want to get the original copy earlier in person or by an authorised person, please call the office (24750331) and make an appointment so as to arrange different time slots for collecting the original copy. HKEAA will deliver 2020 DSE certificate in November. The certificate is an important document for careers, which can replace the result slip.
    成績通知單正本稍後再分批安排同學回校領取,如欲提前領取,或授權他人代領,請致電校務處預約 (24750331),以便安排領文件者在不同時段到校。考評局將於11月派發2020 DSE證書,該文件是升學或就業的重要資歷憑證,可代替成績通知單。

  5. The application for rechecking and remarking of DSE papers starts from 12:00 noon on 22 July (Wednesday) and ends at 12:00 noon on 24 July (Friday). The venue is Room 013.
    同學如需覆核試卷,可於7月22日(星期三) 中午12時至7月24日(星期五)中午12時到013室辦理。

  6. If any enquiries, students may contact their form teachers.

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