Ielts Preparation
Toefl 24 classes
Video Lessons
Unlimited Material
The one true aim of our programmes is help our students become better English speakers. Lessons are fun, interactive and designed to be effective in a short period of time.
感謝各家長的支持!本校家長教師會第十八屆(2024-2026年度)常務委員選舉已於2024年9月25日順利完成。總投票數目為416票,有效選票393票,無效選票19票,廢票4票。9位當選家長教師會第十八屆(2024-2026年度)常務委員包括 : (1號) 王君平女士(106票). ( 2號) 吳鳳儀女士(101票) (3號) 洪嘉琍女士(104票) ( 4號) 孫燕儀女士(117票) (5號) 陳笑紅女士(201票) (6號)…
Thank you for the support of all parents! The election of the 18th term (2024-2026)…
Ielts Preparation
Toefl 24 classes
Video Lessons
Unlimited Material
Ielts Preparation
Toefl 24 classes
Video Lessons
Unlimited Material
Ielts Preparation
Toefl 24 classes
Video Lessons
Unlimited Material
Ielts Preparation
Toefl 24 classes
Video Lessons
Unlimited Material
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